
void UpdateAllItems( COleServerItem* pSender, LPARAM lHint = 0L, CObject* pHint = NULL, DVASPECT nDrawAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT );



Pointer to the item that modified the document, or NULL if all items are to be updated.


Contains information about the modification.


Pointer to an object storing information about the modification.


Determines how the item is to be drawn. This is a value from the DVASPECT enumeration. This parameter can have one of the following values:


Call this function to notify all linked items connected to the document that the document has changed. You typically call this function after the user changes the server document. If an OLE item is linked to the document with an automatic link, the item is updated to reflect the changes. In container applications written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the OnChange member function of COleClientItem is called.

This function calls the OnUpdate member function for each of the document’s items except the sending item, passing pHint, lHint, and nDrawAspect. Use these parameters to pass information to the items about the modifications made to the document. You can encode information using lHint or you can define a CObject-derived class to store information about the modifications and pass an object of that class using pHint. Override the OnUpdate member function in your COleServerItem-derived class to optimize the updating of each item depending on whether its presentation has changed.

COleServerDoc OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleServerDoc::NotifyChanged, COleServerItem::OnUpdate, COleServerDoc::NotifySaved, COleClientItem::OnChange

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