
CPropertySheet( );

CPropertySheet( UINT nIDCaption, CWnd *pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0 );

CPropertySheet( LPCTSTR pszCaption, CWnd *pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0 );



ID of the caption to be used for the property sheet.


Points to the parent window of the property sheet. If NULL, the parent window will be the main window of the application.


The index of the page that will initially be on top. Default is the first page added to the sheet.


Points to a string containing the caption to be used for the property sheet. Cannot be NULL.


Use this member function to construct a CPropertySheet object. To display the property sheet, call DoModal or Create. The string contained in the first parameter will be placed in the caption bar for the property sheet.

If you have multiple parameters (for example, if you are using an array), use Construct instead of CPropertySheet.


// Declare a CPropertySheet object titled "Simple PropertySheet".
CPropertySheet dlgPropertySheet("Simple PropertySheet");

// Declare a CPropertySheet object whose title is specified in the
// IDS_PROPERTYSHEET_TITLE string resource, and the second page is
// initially on top.  
CPropertySheet dlgPropertySheet(IDS_PROPERTYSHEET_TITLE, this, 1);

CPropertySheet OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CPropertySheet::Construct, CPropertySheet::DoModal, CPropertySheet::Create, CPropertyPage