
virtual BOOL ExchangePersistentProp( LPCTSTR pszPropName, LPUNKNOWN FAR* ppUnk, REFIID iid, LPUNKNOWN pUnkDefault ) = 0;

Return Value

Nonzero if the exchange was successful; 0 if unsuccessful.



The name of the property being exchanged.


A pointer to a variable containing a pointer to the property’s IUnknown interface (this variable is typically a member of your class).


Interface ID of the interface on the property that the control will use.


Default value for the property.


Exchanges a property between the control and a file.

If the property is being loaded from the file to the control, the property is created and initialized from the file. If the property is being stored, its value is written to the file.

The functions CArchivePropExchange::ExchangePersistentProp, CResetPropExchange::ExchangePersistentProp, and CPropsetPropExchange::ExchangePersistentProp override this pure virtual function.

CPropExchange OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleControl::DoPropExchange, CPropExchange::ExchangeBlobProp, CPropExchange::ExchangeFontProp, CPropExchange::ExchangeProp