Width |
Calculates the width of CRect. |
Height |
Calculates the height of CRect. |
Size |
Calculates the size of CRect. |
TopLeft |
Returns the top-left point of CRect. |
BottomRight |
Returns the bottom-right point of CRect. |
CenterPoint |
Returns the centerpoint of CRect. |
IsRectEmpty |
Determines whether CRect is empty. CRect is empty if the width and/or height are 0. |
IsRectNull |
Determines whether the top, bottom, left, and right member variables are all equal to 0. |
PtInRect |
Determines whether the specified point lies within CRect. |
SetRect |
Sets the dimensions of CRect. |
SetRectEmpty |
Sets CRect to an empty rectangle (all coordinates equal to 0). |
CopyRect |
Copies the dimensions of a source rectangle to CRect. |
EqualRect |
Determines whether CRect is equal to the given rectangle. |
InflateRect |
Increases the width and height of CRect. |
DeflateRect |
Decreases the width and height of CRect. |
NormalizeRect |
Standardizes the height and width of CRect. |
OffsetRect |
Moves CRect by the specified offsets. |
SubtractRect |
Subtracts one rectangle from another. |
IntersectRect |
Sets CRect equal to the intersection of two rectangles. |
UnionRect |
Sets CRect equal to the union of two rectangles. |
operator LPCRECT |
Converts a CRect to an LPCRECT. |
operator LPRECT |
Converts a CRect to an LPRECT. |
operator = |
Copies the dimensions of a rectangle to CRect. |
operator == |
Determines whether CRect is equal to a rectangle. |
operator != |
Determines whether CRect is not equal to a rectangle. |
operator += |
Adds the specified offsets to CRect or inflates CRect. |
operator –= |
Subtracts the specified offsets from CRect or deflates CRect. |
operator &= |
Sets CRect equal to the intersection of CRect and a rectangle. |
operator |= |
Sets CRect equal to the union of CRect and a rectangle. |
operator + |
Adds the given offsets to CRect or inflates CRect and returns the resulting CRect. |
operator – |
Subtracts the given offsets from CRect or deflates CRect and returns the resulting CRect. |
operator & |
Creates the intersection of CRect and a rectangle and returns the resulting CRect. |
operator | |
Creates the union of CRect and a rectangle and returns the resulting CRect. |