
CRichEditCntrItem( REOBJECT* preo = NULL, CRichEditDoc* pContainer = NULL );



Pointer to an REOBJECT structure which describes an OLE item. The new CRichEditCntrItem object is constructed around this OLE item. If preo is NULL, the client item is empty.


Pointer to the container document that will contain this item. If pContainer is NULL, you must explicitly call COleDocument::AddItem to add this client item to a document.


Call this function to create a CRichEditCntrItem object and add it to the container document. This function does not perform any OLE initialization.

For more information, see the REOBJECT structure in the Win32 documentation.

CRichEditCntrItem OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleDocument::AddItem, CRichEditDoc

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