
virtual HMENU GetContextMenu( WORD seltyp, LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, CHARRANGE* lpchrg );

Return Value

Handle to the context menu.



The selection type. The selection type values are described in the Remarks section.


Pointer to a OLEOBJECT structure specifying the first selected OLE object if the selection contains one or more OLE items. If the selection contains no items, lpoleobj is NULL. The OLEOBJECT structure holds a pointer to an OLE object v-table.


Pointer to a CHARRANGE structure containing the current selection.


The framework calls this function as part of the processing of IRichEditOleCallback::GetContextMenu. This function is a typical part of right mouse-button down processing.

The selection type can be any combination of the following flags:

The default implementation returns NULL. This is an advanced overridable.

For more information, see IRichEditOleCallback::GetContextMenu and CHARRANGE in the Win32 documentation.

For more information on the OLEOBJECT type, see the OLE Data Structures and Structure Allocation article in the OLE Knowledge Base.

CRichEditView OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRichEditCtrl::GetSelectionType