
int Find( TCHAR ch ) const;

int Find( LPCTSTR lpszSub ) const;

int Find( TCHAR ch, int nStart ) const;

int Find( LPCTSTR pstr, int nStart ) const;

Return Value

The zero-based index of the first character in this CString object that matches the requested substring or characters; -1 if the substring or character is not found.



A single character to search for.


A substring to search for.


The index of the character in the string to begin the search with, or 0 to start from the beginning. The character at nStart is excluded from the search if nStart is not equal to 0.


A pointer to a string to search for.


Searches this string for the first match of a substring. The function is overloaded to accept both single characters (similar to the run-time function strchr) and strings (similar to strstr).


// First example demonstrating 
// CString::Find ( TCHAR ch )
CString s( "abcdef" );
ASSERT( s.Find( 'c' ) == 2 );
ASSERT( s.Find( "de" ) == 3 );

// Second example demonstrating 
// CString::Find( TCHAR ch, int nStart )
CString str("The stars are aligned");
int n = str.Find('e', 5);
ASSERT(n == 12);

CString OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CString::ReverseFind, CString::FindOneOf