CString::operator <<, >>

friend CArchive& operator <<( CArchive& ar, const CString& string );
throw( CArchiveException );

friend CArchive& operator >>( CArchive& ar, CString& string );
throw( CArchiveException );

friend CDumpContext& operator <<( CDumpContext& dc, const CString& string );


The CString insertion (<<) operator supports diagnostic dumping and storing to an archive. The extraction (>>) operator supports loading from an archive.

The CDumpContext operators are valid only in the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library.


The following example demonstrates the use of CString::operator <<, >>.

// example for CString::operator <<, >>
    extern CArchive ar;
    CString s( "abc" );
#ifdef _DEBUG
    afxDump << s;  // Prints the value (abc)
    afxDump << &s;  // Prints the address

    if( ar.IsLoading() )
        ar >> s;
        ar << s;

CString OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDumpContext