
void AdjustRect( BOOL bLarger, LPRECT lpRect );



Indicates which operation to perform. If this parameter is TRUE, lpRect specifies a display rectangle and receives the corresponding window rectangle. If this parameter is FALSE, lpRect specifies a window rectangle and receives the corresponding display rectangle.


Pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the given rectangle and receives the calculated rectangle.


Call this function to calculate a tab control’s display area given a window rectangle, or calculate the window rectangle that would correspond to a given display area.


void CDialogDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
   CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
   if(m_tabCtrl.m_hWnd == NULL)
      return;      // Return if window is not created yet.
   RECT lpRect;

   // Get size of dialog window.

   // Adjust the rectangle to fit the tab control into the 
   // dialog's client rectangle.
   m_tabCtrl.AdjustRect(FALSE, &lpRect);

   // Move the tab control to the new position and size.
   m_tabCtrl.MoveWindow(&lpRect, TRUE);   

CTabCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CTabCtrl::SetItemSize, CTabCtrl::GetItemRect, CTabCtrl::AdjustRect