
BOOL DeleteItem( HTREEITEM hItem );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



Handle of the tree item to be deleted. If hitem has the TVI_ROOT value, all items are deleted from the tree view control.


Call this function to delete an item from the tree view control.


// Gain a pointer to our tree control
CTreeCtrl* pCtrl = (CTreeCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_TREE1);
ASSERT(pCtrl != NULL);

// Look at all of the root-level items
HTREEITEM hCurrent = pCtrl->GetNextItem(TVI_ROOT, TVGN_NEXT);
while (hCurrent != NULL)
   // Get the text for the item. Notice we use TVIF_TEXT because
   // we want to retrieve only the text, but also specify TVIF_HANDLE
   // because we're getting the item by its handle.
   TVITEM item;
   TCHAR szText[1024];
   item.hItem = hCurrent;
   item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_HANDLE;
   item.pszText = szText;
   item.cchTextMax = 1024;

   BOOL bWorked = pCtrl->GetItem(&item);

   // Try to get the next item
   hCurrent = pCtrl->GetNextItem(hCurrent, TVGN_NEXT);

   // If we successfuly retrieved an item, and the item's text
   // contains a lowercase letter 'e', delete the item.
   if (bWorked && _tcschr(item.pszText, 'e'))

CTreeCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CTreeCtrl::DeleteAllItems, CTreeCtrl::InsertItem