CTreeCtrl Class Members



CTreeCtrl Constructs a CTreeCtrl object.
Create Creates a tree view control and attaches it to a CTreeCtrl object.


GetCount Retrieves the number of tree items associated with a tree view control.
GetIndent Retrieves the offset (in pixels) of a tree view item from its parent.
SetIndent Sets the offset (in pixels) of a tree view item from its parent.
GetImageList Retrieves the handle of the image list associated with a tree view control.
SetImageList Sets the handle of the image list associated with a tree view control.
GetNextItem Retrieves the next tree view item that matches a specified relationship.
ItemHasChildren Returns nonzero if the specified item has child items.
GetChildItem Retrieves the child of a specified tree view item.
GetNextSiblingItem Retrieves the next sibling of the specified tree view item.
GetPrevSiblingItem Retrieves the previous sibling of the specified tree view item.
GetParentItem Retrieves the parent of the specified tree view item.
GetFirstVisibleItem Retrieves the first visible item of the specified tree view item.
GetNextVisibleItem Retrieves the next visible item of the specified tree view item.
GetPrevVisibleItem Retrieves the previous visible item of the specified tree view item.
GetSelectedItem Retrieves the currently selected tree view item.
GetDropHilightItem Retrieves the target of a drag-and-drop operation.
GetRootItem Retrieves the root of the specified tree view item.
GetItem Retrieves the attributes of a specified tree view item.
SetItem Sets the attributes of a specified tree view item.
GetItemState Returns the state of an item.
SetItemState Sets the state of an item.
GetItemImage Retrieves the images associated with an item.
SetItemImage Associates images with an item.
GetItemText Returns the text of an item.
SetItemText Sets the text of an item.
GetItemData Returns the 32-bit application-specific value associated with an item.
SetItemData Sets the 32-bit application-specific value associated with an item.
GetItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a tree view item.
GetEditControl Retrieves the handle of the edit control used to edit the specified tree view item.
GetVisibleCount Retrieves the number of visible tree items associated with a tree view control.
GetToolTips Retrieves the handle to the child ToolTip control used by a tree view control.
SetToolTips Sets a tree view control's child ToolTip control.
GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color of the control.
SetBkColor Sets the background color of the control.
GetItemHeight Retrieves the current height of the tree view items.
SetItemHeight Sets the height of the tree view items.
GetTextColor Retrieves the current text color of the control.
SetTextColor Sets the text color of the control.
SetInsertMark Sets the insertion mark in a tree view control.
GetCheck Retrieves the check state of a tree control item.
SetCheck Sets the check state of a tree control item.
GetInsertMarkColor Retrieves the color used to draw the insertion mark for the tree view.
SetInsertMarkColor Sets the color used to draw the insertion mark for the tree view.


InsertItem Inserts a new item in a tree view control.
DeleteItem Deletes a new item in a tree view control.
DeleteAllItems Deletes all items in a tree view control.
Expand Expands, or collapses, the child items of the specified tree view item.
Select Selects, scrolls into view, or redraws a specified tree view item.
SelectItem Selects a specified tree view item.
SelectDropTarget Redraws the tree item as the target of a drag-and-drop operation.
SelectSetFirstVisible Selects a specified tree view item as the first visible item.
EditLabel Edits a specified tree view item in-place.
HitTest Returns the current position of the cursor related to the CTreeCtrl object.
CreateDragImage Creates a dragging bitmap for the specified tree view item.
SortChildren Sorts the children of a given parent item.
EnsureVisible Ensures that a tree view item is visible in its tree view control.
SortChildrenCB Sorts the children of a given parent item using an application-defined sort function.

CTreeCtrl OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart