Persistence of OLE Controls

One capability of OLE controls is property persistence (or serialization), which allows the OLE control to read or write property values to and from a file or stream. A container application can use serialization to store a control's property values even after the application has destroyed the control. The property values of the OLE control can then be read from the file or stream when a new instance of the control is created at a later time.

Persistence of OLE Controls

PX_Blob Exchanges a control property that stores binary-large object (BLOB) data.
PX_Bool Exchanges a control property of type BOOL.
PX_Color Exchanges a color property of a control.
PX_Currency Exchanges a control property of type CY.
PX_DataPath Exchanges a control property of type CDataPathProperty.
PX_Double Exchanges a control property of type double.
PX_Font Exchanges a font property of a control.
PX_Float Exchanges a control property of type float.
PX_IUnknown Exchanges a control property of undefined type.
PX_Long Exchanges a control property of type long.
PX_Picture Exchanges a picture property of a control.
PX_Short Exchanges a control property of type short.
PX_ULong Exchanges a control property of type ULONG.
PX_UShort Exchanges a control property of type USHORT.
PX_String Exchanges a character string control property.
PX_VBXFontConvert Exchanges a VBX control's font-related properties into an OLE control font property.

In addition, the AfxOleTypeMatchGuid global function is provided to test for a match between a TYPEDESC and a given GUID.