
void RFX_Byte( CFieldExchange* pFX, const char* szName, BYTE& value );



A pointer to an object of class CFieldExchange. This object contains information to define the context for each call of the function. For more information about the operations a CFieldExchange object can specify, see the article Record Field Exchange: How RFX Works in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.


The name of a data column.


The value stored in the indicated data member — the value to be transferred. For a transfer from recordset to data source, the value, of type BYTE, is taken from the specified data member. For a transfer from data source to recordset, the value is stored in the specified data member.


The RFX_Byte function transfers single bytes between the field data members of a CRecordset object and the columns of a record on the data source of ODBC type SQL_TINYINT.


See RFX_Text.

See Also   RFX_Text, RFX_Bool, RFX_Long, RFX_Int, RFX_Single, RFX_Double, RFX_Date, RFX_Binary, RFX_LongBinary, CFieldExchange::SetFieldType

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