How Do I Use Multiple Result Sets from One Stored Procedure?

Most stored procedures return multiple result sets. Such a stored procedure usually includes one or more select statements. The consumer needs to take this into account to handle all of the result sets.

To handle multiple result sets:

  1. Create a CCommand class with CMultipleResults as a template argument and with the accessor of your choice. Usually, this will be a dynamic or manual accessor. If you use another type of accessor, you may not be able to determine the output columns for each rowset.

  2. Execute the stored procedure as usual and bind the columns (see How do I fetch data?).

  3. Use the data.

  4. Call GetNextResult on the CCommand class. If another result rowset is available, GetNextResult returns S_OK and you should rebind your columns if you are using a manual accessor. If GetNextResult returns an error, there are no further result sets available.

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