ATLAPI AtlAxCreateControl( LPCOLESTR lpszName, HWND hWnd, IStream* pStream, IUnknown** ppUnkContainer );
A pointer to a string to be passed to the control. Must be formatted in one of the following ways:
Note "MSHTML:" must precede the HTML fragment so that it is designated as being an MSHTML stream.
[in] Handle to the window that the control will be attached to.
[in] A pointer to a stream that is used to initialize the properties of the control. Can be NULL.
[out] The address of a pointer that will receive the IUnknown of the container. Can be NULL.
Creates an ActiveX control, initializes it, and hosts it in the specified window.
This global function gives you the same result as calling AtlAxCreateControlEx( lpszName, hWnd, pStream, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );.
ATL Macros and Global Functions
See Also