
bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, const VARIANT& var );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, LPCTSTR szValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, LPCWSTR szValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, bool bValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, BYTE bValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, short nValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, long nValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, float fltValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, double dblValue );

bool AddProperty( DWORD dwPropertyID, CY cyValue );

Return Value

true if the property was successfully added. Otherwise, false.



[in] The ID of the property to be added. Used to initialize the dwPropertyID of the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] A variant used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] A string used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] A BYTE or boolean value used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] An integer value used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] A floating-point value used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


[in] A CY currency value used to initialize the property value for the DBPROP structure added to the property set.


Adds a property to the property set.

CDBPropSet OverviewClass Members

See Also

DBPROP Structure in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference