CHtmlView Class Members


GetType Retrieves the type name of the document object.
GetLeft Retrieves the screen coordinate of the left edge of the Internet Explorer main window.
SetLeft Sets the horizontal position of the Internet Explorer main window.
GetTop Retrieves the screen coordinate of the top edge of the Internet Explorer main window.
SetTop Sets the vertical position of the Internet Explorer main window.
GetHeight Retrieves the height of the Internet Explorer main window.
SetHeight Sets the height of the Internet Explorer main window.
SetVisible Sets a value indicating whether the object is visible or hidden.
GetVisible Retrieves a value indicating whether the object is visible or hidden.
GetLocationName Retrieves the name of the resource that WebBrowser is currently displaying
GetReadyState Retrieves the ready state of the web browser object.
GetOffline Retrieves a value that determines whether the control is offline.
SetOffline Sets a value to determine whether the control is offline.
GetSilent Indicates whether any dialog boxes can be shown.
SetSilent Sets a value to determine whether the control will display dialog boxes.
GetTopLevelContainer Retrieves a value indicating whether the current object is the top-level container of the WebBrowser control.
GetLocationURL Retrieves the URL of the resource that WebBrowser is currently displaying.
GetBusy Retrieves a value indicating whether a download or other activity is still in progress.
GetApplication Retrieves an application object representing the application that contains the current instance of the Internet Explorer application.
GetParentBrowser Retrieves a pointer to the IDispatch interface.
GetContainer Retrieves the container of the WebBrowser control.
GetHtmlDocument Retrieves the active HTML document.
GetFullName Retrieves the full name, including the path, of the resource displayed in the web browser. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
GetToolBar Retrieves a value that determines whether the toolbar is visible.
SetToolBar Sets a value to determine whether the control's toolbar is visible. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
GetMenuBar Retrieves a value that determines whether the menu bar is visible.
SetMenuBar Sets a value to determine whether the control's menu bar is visible. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
GetFullScreen Indicates whether the WebBrowser control is operating in full-screen mode or in normal window mode.
SetFullScreen Sets a value to determine whether the control is operating in full-screen mode or in normal window mode. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
QueryStatusWB Queries the status of a command being processed by the WebBrowser control.
GetRegisterAsBrowser Indicates whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a top-level browser for target name resolution.
SetRegisterAsBrowser Sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a top-level browser for target name resolution.
GetRegisterAsDropTarget Indicates whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a drop target for navigation.
SetRegisterAsDropTarget Sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is registered as a drop target for navigation.
GetTheaterMode Indicates whether the WebBrowser control is in theater mode.
SetTheaterMode Sets a value indicating whether the WebBrowser control is in theater mode.
GetAddressBar Determines if the Internet Explorer object's address bar is visible. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
SetAddressBar Shows or hides the Internet Explorer object's address bar. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
GetStatusBar Indicates whether the Internet Explorer's status bar is visible. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)
SetStatusBar Sets a value to determine whether the Internet Explorer's status bar is visible. (WebBrowser control ignores; Internet Explorer only.)


GoBack Navigates to the previous item in the history list.
GoForward Navigates to the next item in the history list.
GoHome Navigates to the current home or start page.
GoSearch Navigates to the current search page.
Navigate Navigates to the resource identified by a URL.
Navigate2 Navigates to the resource identified by a URL, or to the file identified by a full path.
Refresh Reloads the current file.
Refresh2 Reloads the current file and optionally prevents the "pragma:nocache" header from being sent.
Stop Stops opening a file.
PutProperty Sets the value of a property associated with the given object.
GetProperty Retrieves the current value of a property associated with the given object.
ExecWB Executes a command.
LoadFromResource Loads a resource in the WebBrowser control.


OnDraw Called to render an image of the document for screen display, printing, or print preview. Implementation required.
Create Creates the WebBrowser control.


OnNavigateComplete2 Called after a navigation to a hyperlink completes (on either a window or frameset element).
OnBeforeNavigate2 Called before a navigation occurs in the given WebBrowser (on either a window or frameset element).
OnStatusTextChange Called to notify an application that the text of the status bar associated with the WebBrowser control has changed.
OnProgressChange Called to notify an application that the progress of a download operation has been updated.
OnCommandStateChange Called to notify an application that the enabled state of a web browser command has changed.
OnDownloadBegin Called to notify an application that a navigation operation is beginning.
OnDownloadComplete Called when a navigation operation finished, was halted, or failed.
OnTitleChange Called to notify an application if the title of a document in the WebBrowser control becomes available or changes.
OnPropertyChange Called to notify an application that the PutProperty method has changed the value of a property.
OnNewWindow2 Called when a new window is to be created for displaying a resource.
OnDocumentComplete Called to notify an application that a document has reached the READYSTATE_COMPLETE state.
OnQuit Called to notify an application that the Internet Explorer application is ready to quit. (Applies to Internet Explorer only)
OnVisible Called when the window for the WebBrowser control should be shown/hidden.
OnToolBar Called when the ToolBar property has changed.
OnMenuBar Called when the MenuBar property has changed.
OnStatusBar Called when the StatusBar property has changed.
OnFullScreen Called when the FullScreen property has changed.
OnTheaterMode Called when the TheaterMode property has changed.

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