ATL Samples Index

Listed in the following table are the ATL source code samples currently available. See the Active Template Library (ATL) Reference for more information about ATL.

Sample Description
ACTIVEDOC Implements an ActiveX Document Server.
ASYNC Downloads data asynchronously from a URL.
ATLBUTTON Creates a button that displays itself with three different bitmaps depending on its state.
ATLCollections Demonstrates the use of ICollectionOnSTLImpl and CComEnumOnSTL, and the implementation of custom copy policy classes.
ATLCON Demonstrates a simple control container.
ATLDUCK Demonstrates using connection points with ATL controls.
ATLEventHandling Demonstrates the use of IDispEventImpl and IDispEventSimpleImpl to handle events fired by Microsoft Word.
ATLFIRE Demonstrates how to build a windowed control using ATL. This sample is adapted from the MFC FIRE sample.
ATLMOVIE Demonstrates using compiler COM support and the Active Movie interfaces to play a movie. in an ATL control.
ATLPages Demonstrates the implementation of a property page using IPropertyPageImpl.
ATLTangram Demonstrates managing a large ATL project with multiple project dependencies in the IDE. Also demonstrates some basic COM concepts.
BEEPER Implements a tearoff interface — a collection/enumeration of BSTRs.
CDINFO Plays CD audio tracks and displays information about the tracks in tooltips and a piechart display.
CIRC Creates a control that demonstrates property pages and draws a circle.
CIRCCOLL Implements a collection/enumeration of objects using ATL and STL (C++ Standard Template Library).
COMMAP Shows how different COM interface map entry macros are used.
CONNECT Illustrates the implementation and use of connection points (the IconnectionPointContainer and IConnectionPoint interfaces) in a multithreaded environment.
DCOM Demonstrates how to call a COM object implemented in an NT service from multiple clients running on different machines.
DIRECT3D Creates a control that draws a spinning triangle using the Direct3D graphics library.
LABRADOR Implements an EXE server that does not have any user interface.
MFCATL Illustrates how ATL COM objects can be used in an MFC server EXE.
MINIMAL Implements a minimalist DLL server as an illustration of how small a DLL can be when created with ATL.
OPENGL Creates a control that draws a spinning cube using the OpenGL graphics library.
POLYGON The project files for the ATL Tutorial. Builds a control that implements custom properties, events, property pages, and object safety.
SUBEDIT Creates a subclassed Windows Control.