Compiler COM Support Samples Index

Listed in the following table are the COM source code samples currently available. See the Compiler COM Support for more information about compiler COM support.

Sample Description
ACDUAL Adds dual interfaces to an automation application
ADOSAMP Implements a three-tier client/server application.
ALLINONE Implements a server using ATL, exposing STL collections, and controlled by Compiler COM Support in an MFC application.
COMEXCEL Demonstrates an automation client application with Microsoft Excel and compiler COM support.
COMIDE Demonstrates an automation client application with Microsoft Visual C++ and compiler COM support.
COMMAIL Demonstrates an automation client application with MAPI for Microsoft Exchange (or Outlook) and compiler COM support.
COMMAP Demonstrates COM interface map entry macros with compiler COM support.
CONNECT Illustrates the use and implementation of connection points (the IconnectionPointContainer and IConnectionPoint interfaces) in a multithreaded environment.
DCOM Demonstrates how to call a COM object implemented in a Windows NT service from multiple clients running on different machines.
FREETHRD Demonstrates multithreaded client and free-threaded server with compiler COM support.
INPROC Demonstrates an in-process automation server application with compiler COM support.
LABRADOR Implements an EXE server that does not have any user interface.
MFCCALC Demonstrates an automation server application with compiler COM support.