ATLCON: Demonstrates Creating a Simple Container

Click to open or copy the ATLCON project files.

This sample demonstrates creating a simple container. The container implements the IOleClientSite, IOleWindow, and IOleInPlaceSite interfaces.

To successfully run the ATLCON sample under a MinCRT configuration, you must remove the WinMain entry point as follows:

  1. Click Settings on the Projects menu.

  2. In the Settings For: drop-down list, choose one of the MinCRT configurations.

  3. On the Link tab, choose the Output category.

  4. Remove the text in the Entry-point symbol edit box.

This sample uses the following keywords:

ATLASSERT; ATLTRACENOTIMPL; BEGIN_COM_MAP; BEGIN_MSG_MAP; BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP; CComCoClass; CComModule::Unlock; CComObjectRoot; CComQIPtr; CExeModule::Init; CExeModule::RegisterClassObjects; CExeModule::RegisterServer; CExeModule::RevokeClassObjects; CExeModule::Unlock; CExeModule::UnregisterServer; CExeModule::UpdateRegistryFromResource; Close; CoCreateInstance; CoInitialize; COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY; COMMAND_ID_HANDLER; CoUninitialize; CWindowImpl; DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID; DispatchMessage; DoVerb; END_COM_MAP; END_MSG_MAP; END_OBJECT_MAP; GetClientRect; GetCommandLine; GetCurrentThreadId; GetDesktopWindow; GetMessage; GetResourceInstance; IAtlCon; IOleClientSite; IOleInPlaceSite; LoadMenu; LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO; LPRECT; MESSAGE_HANDLER; MessageBox; OBJECT_ENTRY; PostQuitMessage; PostThreadMessage; SetClientSite; SetObjectRects; ShowWindow; TranslateMessage; ZeroMemory