Click to open or copy the CMNCTRL1 project files.
CMNCTRL1 illustrates how to use the following common control MFC classes: CTreeCtrl, CToolBarCtrl, CAnimateCtrl, CDateTimeCtrl, and CMonthCalCtrl. It shows how the controls are created and how to change the controls using many of the different available styles. Some of the controls cover topics that often yield questions from the user; for example, the drag and drop implementation for CTreeCtrl.
CMNCTRL1 is the result of replacing the original CMNCTRLS sample with two smaller projects: CMNCTRL1 (tree, toolbar, date and time picker, month calendar, and animate controls) and CMNCTRL2 (progress, up/down, and slider controls). This was done to reduce the footprint of the sample code, making it easier to trace specific portions of the application. The list control, originally in the CMNCTRLS sample, can now be found in the LISTHDR sample.
When you run CMNCTRL1, select the tab for the control you wish to activate. Select the styles and views from the check boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes available in the different property pages. You will see how each one of the options changes the behavior and/or appearance of the control being displayed. For CTreeCtrl, you will be able to see the different notification messages sent by the control as you experiment with it.
Note Because of a display bug in the Win32 API, the tree view control will not update the node labels when the TVS_HASLINES and TVS_LINESATROOT styles are dynamically applied. To restore the labels, open and close one of the child nodes.
This sample demonstrates the following keywords:
CBitmap::LoadBitmap; CEdit::Clear; CEdit::GetLineCount; CEdit::LineIndex; CEdit::LineLength; CEdit::ReplaceSel; CEdit::SetSel; CFileDialog::GetPathName; CGdiObject::DeleteObject; CImageList::DragShowNolock; CString::GetBufferSetLength; CString::GetLength; CString::Left; CString::LoadString; CString::ReleaseBuffer; CTreeCtrl::SelectDropTarget; CWnd::GetInvalidateRect; CWnd::GetClientRect; CWnd::GetWindowRect; CWnd::SetWindowPos; CWnd::SetWindowText; DeleteItem; GetCursorPos; GetDlgItem; GetParent; GetWindowLong; InvalidateRect; CWinApp::LoadIcon; MAKELONG; MessageBeep; ReleaseCapture; ScreenToClient; SetCapture; SetWindowLong; SetWindowPos; UpdateWindow; CWnd::WindowProc; mbstowcs; rand; srand; time; wsprintf