Click to open or copy the SPEAKN project files.
The SPEAKN sample brings together graphics output and sound output. The SPEAKN sample illustrates Multimedia extensions with the following programming techniques:
A sound card is required if you want to hear the sound output, but you can run the application without a sound card.
When you first run SPEAKN, it plays a "welcome" sound and displays a What is this? dialog box. When the sound play completes, SPEAKN displays the first of a series of images — a picture of a dog. Type "dog" into the edit box. When you enter the correct word, SPEAKN rewards you with a sound and moves on to the next image.
The happy-face bitmap initially has no smile or frown. If the first character you type is correct, the face turns to a smile; if it is incorrect, the face turns to a frown.
This sample demonstrates the following keywords:
AfxGetResourceHandle; AfxMessageBox; CBitmapButton::AutoLoad; CBitmapButton::LoadBitmaps; CDialog::DoModal; CDialog::EndDialog; CDialog::OnInitDialog; CDialog::OnOK; CFont::CreateFontIndirect; CString::GetLength; CString::IsEmpty; CString::LoadString; CString::MakeUpper; CWinApp::Enable3dControls; CWinApp::InitInstance; CWnd::DoDataExchange; CWnd::EnableWindow; CWnd::GetDlgItem; CWnd::GetWindowText; CWnd::Invalidate; CWnd::SetFocus; CWnd::SetFont; CWnd::SetWindowText; CWnd::ShowWindow; CWnd::SubclassDlgItem; CWnd::UpdateData; CWnd::UpdateWindow; DestroyIcon; FindResource; FreeResource; LoadIcon; LoadResource; LockResource; MAKEINTRESOURCE; PlaySound; PostQuitMessage; lstrcpy; mbstowcs; memset; sndPlaySound; strlen