ATLPages:  Demonstrates the Implementation of a Property Page Using IPropertyPageImpl

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This sample demonstrates the implementation of a property page using IPropertyPageImpl.

This sample consists of:

To Run This Sample

If no text document is open when you run the macro, it does nothing. If a document is open, a property page for that document will be displayed indicating the name of the file and its read-only status. You can change either of these items - your changes will be applied when either the Apply or OK button is clicked. Changing the name of the file will cause the file to be saved to disk under the new name. Changing the read-only status of the file affects whether the file can be changed within the Visual C++ editor (it doesn't affect the read-only attribute of the file on disk).

Note   Changing the read-only property of files under source code control is not possible using this property page.

This sample uses the following keywords:

IPropertyPage, IPropertyPageImpl, OleCreatePropertyFrame, IPropertyPage::SetObjects, IPropertyPage::Activate, IPropertyPage::Apply, ITextDocument