Dfv: View OLE Documents

Click to open or copy the Dfv project files.

Click to open or copy the Winhlprs project files (required).

Dfv demonstrates basic read/write/enumerate operations using OLE documents. Dfv lets you view the structure of a disk-based OLE document. The streams and storages contained in the file are displayed in a Microsoft Windows® File Manager-type expandable list box. To use this utility, from the File menu choose the Open command and choose an OLE document to view. The Outline series of samples use OLE documents as their native file format, so Dfv will read any of the files generated by these samples. To create a sample OLE document that you can load into Dfv and view, choose Create Test Storage File Test.dfl from the File menu.

Dfv also demonstrates basic read/write/enumerate operations using OLE documents.

Building SDK Samples

This sample demonstrates the following keywords:

bitblt; closehandle; cobuildversion; cogetmalloc; coinitialize; collapse; couninitialize; create; create; createbitmap; createcompatibledc; createfile; createfontindirect; createsolidbrush; createstorageelement; createstreamelement; createwindow; ddbchangecolor; defwindowproc; delete; deletedc; deleteelement; deleteobject; destroywindow; dialogproc; dispatchmessage; dlgabout.showdialog; domenu; enddialog; enumelements; exists; exists; expand; expandall; exttextout; exttextoutw; failed; getclientrect; getdc; getdevicecaps; gethwnd; gethwnd; getmessage; getmodulefilename; getobject; getopenfilename; getstockobject; getsyscolor; gettextextentpoint32; gettextextentpoint32w; gettextmetrics; hiword; initapplication; initapplication; initinstance; initinstance; initinstance; invalidaterect; loadaccelerators; loadandstretch; loadbitmap; loadbitmaps; loadbitmaps; loadcursor; loadicon; loadstring; loadstring; loword; lstrcpy; lstrlen; makeintresource; mbstowcs; memset; messagebox; olestr; openfile; openfile; openstorage; openstream; postquitmessage; read; registerclass; releasedc; return; rgb; seek; selectobject; sendmessage; setbkcolor; setfocus; setstretchbltmode; settextcolor; setwindowpos; showwindow; stat; stgopenstorage; stretchblt; strncpy; succeeded; text; toggle; translateaccelerator; translatemessage; updatewindow; va_start; wcscpy; wcslen; windowproc; winhelp; winmain