To get the files for this sample sample, use the download links in the Spy topic.
This sample builds Mfract.exe.
Main Files
File | Description |
Dialogs.c | Dialog procs for the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Hook.c | Message hooking functions for the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Misc.c | Miscellaneous routines for the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Spy.c | Main module for the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Wm.c | Functions that lookup and format messages received by the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Wprintf.c | Routines for using printf windows |
Spy.h | Main include file for the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Spyfuncs.h | External function declarations for the Windows debugging Spy SDK applet. |
Winprintf.h | Functions used to debug applications quickly. |
This sample uses the following keywords:
_lclose; _lcreat; _lwrite; aboutdlgproc; addonewindow; beginpaint; bound; bringwindowtotop; bsearch; calculateprintftabs; charprev; charsindebugwindow; checkdlgbutton; checkmenuitem; choosefont; clearprintfwindow; closeclipboard; closehandle; copytoclipboard; createfile; createfontindirect; createhookthread; createprintfwin; createsolidbrush; createthread; createwindow; dbgprintf; debughscroll; debugpaint; debugvscroll; dec; decodegeneric; defwindowproc; deleteobject; destroywindow; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; drawmenubar; emptyclipboard; enablemenuitem; enablewindow; enddialog; endpaint; entercrit; enumchildwindows; enumwindows; exitthread; filllistbox; fillrect; findhwndinlistbox; first; ftwixti3; getclassname; getclientrect; getcurrentthreadid; getdc; getdesktopwindow; getdlgitem; getdlgitemint; getdlgitemtext; getlasterror; getmenu; getmessage; getmodulefilename; getmodulehandle; getobject; getparent; getprocaddress; getscrollrange; getstockobject; getsyscolor; getsystemmetrics; gettextextentpoint; gettextmetrics; getwindow; getwindowdc; getwindowlong; getwindowname; getwindowplacement; getwindowrect; getwindowtext; globalalloc; highlightwindow; hookmain; hookwndproc; inc; initmenu; insertstring; int2hfile; invalidaterect; isdlgbuttonchecked; isiconic; isprintfempty; isrectempty; iswindow; itvwprintf; last; leavecrit; linesindebugwindow; loadaccelerators; loadcursor; loadicon; loadlibrary; loadresourcestring; loadstring; localalloc; localfree; locallock; localunlock; lstrcat; lstrcmp; lstrcmpi; lstrcpy; lstrlen; makeintresource; makewindowname; max; memset; message; messagebox; messagescommand; messagesdlgproc; messagesinit; messagesupdatecheckboxes; min; modifymenu; movewindow; mprintf; msgcmp; mwprintf; mycheckmenuitem; mycreateprintfwin; mydialogbox; myenablemenuitem; newline; offsetrect; openclipboard; outputcommand; outputdebugstring; outputdlgproc; patblt; postmessage; postquitmessage; printfwndproc; printmsg; putoptions; readregistry; regclosekey; regcreatekey; registerclass; regqueryvalueex; regsetvalueex; releasedc; scrollwindow; selectfont; selectobject; selectwindowcommand; selectwindowdlgproc; selectwindowenablefields; selectwindowupdateinfo; sendmessage; setbkcolor; setclipboarddata; setcursor; setdlgitemint; setdlgitemtext; setfocus; setforegroundwindow; setlasterror; setprintffont; setprintftabs; setscrollpos; setscrollrange; setspycaption; setspyhook; settextcolor; setwindowclass; setwindowlong; setwindowplacement; setwindowshookex; setwindowtext; setwindowtospyon; showwindow; spycommand; spyinit; spywndproc; strcmp; stripextension; tabbedtextout; text; top; translateaccelerator; translatemessage; unhookwindowshookex; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; va_end; va_start; vwprintf; waitforsingleobject; winmain; wprintfsetscrollrange; writefile; writeregistry; wsprintf; wvsprintf