AppleTalk PAP Protocol Sample

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This sample is a Windows Socket application that demonstrates how to use the AppleTalk PAP Protocol. Both a server and a client application are included in the source for this sample. The client application reads a file and sends the contents to the server application. The server writes the bytes received to another file.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

accept; atoi; bind; checkforrecv; checkforsend; closesocket; connect; createthread; doclient; doserver; exit; fd_set; fd_zero; fprintf; getlasterror; getlocaltime; getsockopt; ioctlsocket; listen; localalloc; localfree; locallock; localsize; lstrlen; memcmp; memcpy; opensocketregisterandlisten; perfthread; printf; rand; select; send; setsockopt; socket; strcpy; stricmp; switch; tolower; usage; wsacleanup; wsagetlasterror; wsarecvex; wsastartup