Apputil: Application Utility Library

Click to open or copy the AppUtil project files.

Click to open or copy the Include files (required).

Click to open or copy the Library files (required).

The Apputil library provides utility classes and functions that are useful for making simple C++ Win32® Windows applications.

For functional descriptions and a code tour of Apputil, see the Code Tour section in Apputil.txt (one of the Apputil project files).

For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples, see samples\sdk\com\tutsamp\tutorial.txt. The supplied Makefile is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the nmake command in the Command Prompt window.

See the parent topic, COM Tutorial Samples, to download global tutorial files or any HTML files about this sample.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_tsplitpath; alloc; ansitouc; assert; beginpaint; ckhr; clear; closeclipboard; closehandle; cmdexec; cmsgbox; cmsglog; cogetmalloc; copy; cotaskmemfree; create; createcolorscalepalette; createfile; createmutex; createpalette; createprocess; createserverlog; createsolidbrush; createwindow; createwindowex; csendlog; cthreaded; cvirwindow; dcomok; defined; defwindowproc; delaybox; delete_pointer; deleteobject; dialogboxparam; dialogproc; emptyclipboard; enddialog; endpaint; error; errorbox; errorid; failed; fileexist; fillrect; formatmessage; getclassbrush; getclasslong; getclientrect; getcurrentthreadid; getdevicecaps; getdlgitem; geterrormsg; getexename; gethwnd; getinstance; getmodulefilename; getmodulehandle; getopenfilename; getprocaddress; gettickcount; getwindowlong; globalalloc; globalfree; globallock; globalunlock; goweb; hrmsg; hrmsgid; invalidaterect; iswindow; loadstring; log; logassert; logerror; logf1; logf2; logf3; logging; logid; logtoserver; lrandom; lstrcat; lstrcpy; lstrlen; makefamilypath; makelangid; memset; messagebox; movewindow; msg; msgfmt; msgfmtid; msgid; multibytetowidechar; note; notefmt; notefmtid; noteid; odf1; odf2; odf3; ods; openclipboard; outputdebugfmt; outputdebugstring; ownthis; paintwindow; paletteindex; postmessage; readhelp; readsource; readtutorial; realizepalette; release; release_interface; releasemutex; resize; rgb; selectpalette; sendmessage; setclient; setclipboarddata; setfocus; setmapmode; setrect; setviewportextex; setviewportorgex; setwindowextex; setwindowlong; setwindowtext; shellexecute; showdialog; skipansi; stgcreatedocfile; stgisstoragefile; stgopenstorage; stringfromguid2; succeeded; switch; text; uctoansi; unownthis; va_start; waitforsingleobject; warning; widechartomultibyte; windowproc; writefmtusertypestg; wsprintf; wvsprintf