BandObjs: Band Object Implementation Sample

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BandObjs is a simple example that demonstrates the implementation of the three types of band objects. These are Desk Bands, Explorer Bars and Communication Bands. See the Band Objects topic under Internet Tools and Technologies - Windows Shell in the Internet Client SDK documentation for more information on band objects.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addref; arraysize; beginpaint; cclassfactory; ccommband; cdeskband; cexplorerbar; closedw; cocreateinstance; cogetmalloc; coinitialize; contextsensitivehelp; couninitialize; createinstance; createsolidbrush; createwindowex; data_seg; define_guid; defwindowproc; destroywindow; dllcanunloadnow; dllgetclassobject; dllmain; dllregisterserver; drawtext; endpaint; focuschange; free; getbandinfo; getclassid; getclassinfo; getclientrect; getcommandstring; getmodulefilename; getsite; getsizemax; getwindow; getwindowlong; hasfocusio; insertmenu; invokecommand; isdirty; isequalclsid; isequaliid; iswindow; load; loadcursor; lockserver; lstrcpy; lstrcpyw; lstrlen; make_hresult; messagebox; oncommand; onfocuschangeis; onkillfocus; onpaint; onsetfocus; querycontextmenu; queryinterface; regclosekey; regcreatekeyex; registerandcreatewindow; registerclass; registerclassimplcategories; registercomcat; registerserver; regsetvalueex; release; resizeborderdw; rgb; save; setbkmode; setfocus; setsite; settextcolor; setwindowlong; showdw; showwindow; stdmethodimp_; stringfromiid; succeeded; switch; text; translateacceleratorio; uiactivateio; ushort; widechartomultibyte; wndproc; wsprintf; zeromemory