Bttncur: Buttons and Cursors

Click to open or copy the Bttncur project files.

Click to open or copy the files for the Bin directory (required).

Click to open or copy the files for the Include directory (required).

Click to open or copy the files for the Lib directory (required).

This sample contains public functions to generate different states of toolbar buttons from a single bitmap. States are Normal, Pressed, Checked, and Disabled.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

bitblt; bool; createbitmap; createcompatiblebitmap; createcompatibledc; createdibitmap; createpatternbrush; createsolidbrush; cursorscache; cursorsfree; deletedc; deleteobject; drawblankbutton; exttextout; getbvalue; getdc; getdevicecaps; getgvalue; getrvalue; getsyscolor; getversion; hbrushdithercreate; isbadwriteptr; libmain; loadbitmap; loadcursor; makeintresource; maskcreate; outputdebugstring; patb; patblt; releasedc; restoredc; rgb; savedc; selectobject; setbkcolor; setrect; settextcolor; toolbuttonfree; toolbuttoninit; uicursorload; uitoolbuttondraw; uitoolbuttondrawtdd; uitoolconfigurefordisplay; unlockdata; unreferenced_parameter; wep; xxxlibmain