Common Directory for COM Application Samples

Click to open or copy the Common project files.

Click to open or copy the files for the Lib directory (required).

Altassrt.cxx contains assertion routines for the SDK.  The function PopUpAssert displays assertion information; it's called when an assertion is hit.  The function PopUpError displays a dialog box using provided text, and presents the user with the option to continue or cancel; has these arguments: The string to display in the main body of the dialog, the line number of the file in error, and the filename of the file in error.

Stablize.cxx contains a stabilization class (CSafeRefCount) used to stabilize objects during re-entrant calls, by tracking the reference count.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

assert; csaferefcount; debugbreak; decrementnestcount; getcurrentprocessid; getcurrentthreadid; getmodulefilenamea; incrementnestcount; messageboxa; popupassert; popuperror; safeaddref; saferelease; sprintf; strrchr