DDEspy: DDE Event and Status Viewer

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The DDEspy tool allows you to view information about the status of dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversations.

The DDEspy tool demonstrates how to monitor DDE messages by setting up an APPCLASS_MONITOR callback function. The DDEspy-monitored data can be selected and filtered through various options. The information is represented in up to four selectable tracks for String Handles, Conversations, Links and Services, each displayed in different overlapped windows. DDEspy records the messages and displays them on the related window. DDEspy is useful in debugging to verify DDE data and messages.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addmclbtext; atoi; beginpaint; bound; charnext; checkdlgbutton; checkmenuitem; clearscreen; closeapp; closehandle; closetestsubs; cmpcols; compareitems; createfile; createmclbframe; createsolidbrush; createwindow; ddeaccessdata; ddecallback; ddeinitialize; ddemsg2string; ddequerystring; ddeunaccessdata; ddeuninitialize; defwindowproc; deletemclbtext; deleteobject; destroywindow; dialogboxparam; disectmsglp; disectword; dispatchmessage; dodialog; drawfocusrect; drawlbitem; drawstring; drawtext; dumpdata; dumpformat; enddialog; endpaint; error2string; fillrect; filterdlgproc; flushfilebuffers; freeprocinstance; get_em_setsel_mps; get_wm_command_id; get_wm_command_mps; get_wm_hscroll_code; get_wm_hscroll_pos; get_wm_vscroll_code; get_wm_vscroll_pos; getclientrect; getclipboardformatname; getdc; getdesktopwindow; getdlgitem; getdlgitemtext; getfocus; getfullpathname; gethszname; getmclbcolvalue; getmenu; getmessage; getprivateprofilestring; getprofile; getprofileboolean; getscrollpos; getstockobject; getsyscolor; gettextmetrics; getwindowlong; globalgetatomname; inflaterect; initapplication; initinstance; inittestsubs; intersectrect; invalidaterect; invertrect; isdlgbuttonchecked; isprint; iswindow; loadaccelerators; loadcursor; loadicon; loadresourcestrings; loadstring; localalloc; localfree; localhandle; locallock; localunlock; lstrcat; lstrcmp; lstrcmpi; lstrcpy; lstrlen; lstrlena; mainwndproc; makeintresource; makelong; makeprocinstance; markdlgproc; mclbclientwndproc; memcpy; memset; messagebox; min; movewindow; mprt; multibytetowidechar; my_mbschr; myalloc; myfree; nextline; off2p; offsetrect; opendlg; outputdebugstring; outputstring; paintstrwnd; pdf; postquitmessage; refstring; registerclass; releasedc; saveprofile; scroll; scrollwindow; selectobject; senddlgitemmessage; sendmessage; setbkmode; setdlgitemtext; setfilters; setfocus; setprofileboolean; setscrollpos; setscrollrange; setwindowlong; setwindowtext; showwindow; strwndcreate; strwndproc; text; translatemessage; type2string; unreferenced_parameter; unregisterclass; updatewindow; wcschr; widechartomultibyte; winmain; writefile; writeprivateprofilestring; wsprintf