DelJob: Sample for Deleting Jobs from SMS Database

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Deljob.exe is a console mode application that can be used for deleting jobs from the SMS database. This code demonstrates data-source connection, folder deletion, scalar manipulation, and helper functions.

For more information, see Deljob.exe in the Microsoft SMS API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

connecttodatasource; didrequesthelp; displaygreeting; displayhelp; displaysmserror; gets; getstatusname; inputstring; malloc; printf; smsclosecontainer; smsclosefolder; smscommitfolder; smsdatasourceconnect; smsdatasourcedisconnect; smsgetfoldercount; smsgetfolderid; smsgetnextfolder; smsopencontainer; smspopulate; smsunlinkfolder; sprintf; strcmp; usersaysyes