Dispcalc: Simple, Accumulator-Based Sample

Click to open or copy the Dispcalc project files.

The Dispcalc sample is a simple accumulator-based calculator. Its user interface consists of buttons for the numbers (0-9), the operators (+, -, *, /), and some other necessary buttons (C for Clear, = for evaluation).

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addref; ansistring; assert; button; buttonpush; c2pstr; carith; ccalc; ccalccf; clear; convertstrwtoa; coregisterclassobject; corevokeclassobject; create; createdialog; createdisptypeinfo; createinstance; createstddispatch; data_seg; define_guid; defined; defwindowproc; delay; dim; dispatchmessage; dispinvoke; display; ensureregistration; eval; failed; get_accum; get_op; get_opnd; getditem; getitem; getmenuitemtext; getmessage; header; hilitecontrol; initapplication; initinstance; initole; isequaliid; loadcursor; loadicon; lockserver; mdata; method0; method1; oleinitialize; olestr; oleuninitialize; pdata1; postquitmessage; property; put_accum; put_op; put_opnd; queryinterface; quit; regclosekey; registeractiveobject; registerclass; regopenkey; regsetvalue; release; revokeactiveobject; sendmessage; setdlgitemtext; setitext; showwindow; stdmethod; stdmethod_; stdmethodimp_; strcpy; string; switch; sysstringlen; translatemessage; tstr; uninitole; unused; variantchangetype; variantclear; variantinit; warning; widechartomultibyte; widestring; winmain; wndproc