Click to open or copy the files for the DPchat sample.
This is a simple chat program to demonstrate usage of the DirectPlay APIs.
Visual C++ may include older versions of the DirectX header files and libraries. This sample requires DirectX 5. In order to avoid compile errors, make sure the path to the DirectX 5 header files and libraries is listed BEFORE the Visual C++ header files and libraries on the Directories menu, found under Options on the Tools menu.
The Dplaunch or Bellhop sample that is part of the DirectX 5 SDK can be used to exercise the lobby functionality of DPchat.
This sample includes the following files:
File | Description |
Dpchat.mak | Visual C++ workspace to compile DPchat. |
Lobby.cpp | Sample code for enabling a DirectPlay application to be launched and connected to a session by a lobby. |
Dialog.cpp | Sample code for establishing a session connection by asking the user to supply information and make choices. |
Dpchat.cpp | The core chat application. |
Dpchat.reg | Adds entries to the registry to make DPchat visible to lobby applications. |
This sample uses the following keywords:
chatwndproc; closehandle; cocreateinstance; coinitialize; connect; connectusingdialog; connectusinglobby; connectwndproc; couninitialize; createdirectplayinterface; createevent; createplayer; createthread; define_guid; deleteconnectionlist; deletesessioninstancelist; destroydirectplayinterface; destroyplayer; dialogboxparam; directplayenumconnectionscallback; directplaylobbycreate; enabledlgbutton; enablewindow; enddialog; enumconnections; enumsessions; enumsessionscallback; errorbox; exitthread; failed; getchatplayername; getcomputername; getconnection; getconnectionsettings; getdlgitem; getdlgitemtext; getplayername; getsessioninstanceguid; getusername; globalallocptr; globalfreeptr; handleapplicationmessage; handlesystemmessage; hostsession; initializeconnection; isequalguid; joinsession; killtimer; lstrcpy; lstrlen; makeintresource; memcpy; messagebox; newchatstring; open; postmessage; queryinterface; receive; receivemessage; receivethread; release; selectsessioninstance; send; sendchatmessage; senddlgitemmessage; setconnectionsettings; setdlgitemtext; setevent; settimer; setupconnection; shutdownconnection; succeeded; switch; waitformultipleobjects; waitforsingleobject; winmain; wsprintf; zeromemory