DPlaunch: Launching DirectPlay Using IDirectPlayLobby

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This sample demonstrates how to launch a DirectPlay application using the IDirectPlayLobby::RunApplication function. You can also use the Bellhop sample lobby client application and the sample lobby server to do this.

Visual C++ may include older versions of the DirectX header files and libraries. This sample requires DirectX 5. In order to avoid compile errors, make sure the path to the DirectX 5 header files and libraries is listed BEFORE the Visual C++ header files and libraries on the Directories menu, found under Options on the Tools menu.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

createaddress; createcompoundaddress; define_guid; destroylauncherwindow; dialogboxparam; directplaycreate; directplayenumerate; directplaylobbycreate; enddialog; enumaddress; enumaddresstypes; enumapp; enumlocalapplications; enummodemaddress; enumsp; failed; fillmodemcombobox; getcomboboxguid; getdlgitem; getdlgitemtext; getplayeraddress; globalallocptr; globalfreeptr; initializelauncherwindow; isequalguid; launchdirectplayapplication; launcherwndproc; lstrlen; makeintresource; queryinterface; release; runapplication; senddlgitemmessage; setdlgitemtext; showwindow; switch; updateaddressinfo; winmain; zeromemory