EAP: Sample for RAS Extensible Authentication Protocol

Click to open or copy the files for the EAP sample.

This sample is a demonstration of using the RAS Extensible Authentication Protocol.

Here is an diagram of the EAP sample protocol:


Step 1:

        "Send Password"
          EAP Request

Step 2:

         EAP Response

Step 3:


Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

authenticateuser; cmakemessage; copymemory; disablethreadlibrarycalls; eapbegin; eapend; eapmakemessage; getlasterror; getpasswordfromresponse; hosttowireformat16; localalloc; localfree; makerequestmessage; makeresponsemessage; makeresultmessage; raseapdllentry; smakemessage; strcpy; switch; wiretohostformat16; zeromemory