Events.ext: Message Event Extension Sample

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The Events.ext sample demonstrates how to implement a custom message event extension for the Microsoft Exchange Client. This sample demonstrates:

This sample uses a very basic form of signing a message. A checksum on the message as it is written is stored as a custom property. Upon reading the message, the extension verifies the checksum and displays one of two possible outcomes: the message has been verified with correct contents, or the message text has been altered.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addref; calculongchecksum; createbrushindirect; deleteobject; dllmain; errormessagebox; exchentrypoint; failed; freepages; getidsfromnames; getmaxpagecount; getobject; getpages; getparent; getscode; getsyscolor; getversion; getwindow; hrgetoneprop; hrsetoneprop; install; loadcursor; makeintresource; mapifreebuffer; memset; messagebox; myexchext; myexchextmessageevents; myexchextpropertysheets; onchecknames; onchecknamescomplete; onread; onreadcomplete; onsubmit; onsubmitcomplete; onwrite; onwritecomplete; openproperty; prop_id; prop_tag; queryinterface; release; seek; senddlgitemmessage; sendmessage; setbkcolor; setcursor; setwindowlong; signatureoptionsdlgproc; stdmethodimp_; ulrelease; wsprintf