Example7: Using Browse-Mode Functions

Click to open or copy the files for the Example7 sample.

This example illustrates the use of browse-mode functions to determine the source of result columns from ad hoc queries.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

dbcanquery; dbcmd; dbcmdrow; dbcolbrowse; dbcolname; dbcolsource; dbdead; dberrhandle; dbinit; dblogin; dbmsghandle; dbnumcols; dbopen; dbresults; dbsetlapp; dbsetlpwd; dbsetluser; dbsetlversion; dbsqlexec; dbtabbrowse; dbtabcount; dbtabname; dbtabsource; defined; err_handler; examine_results; gets; msg_handler; printf; send_command; sprintf; strcmp; strcpy