Example8: Using Remote Stored Procedures and Return Parameters

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The example uses the following stored procedure, Rpctest, which it assumes is located in the user's default database. Before running this example, you must create Rpctest in your default database.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

dbdead; dberrhandle; dbexit; dbhasretstat; dbinit; dblogin; dbmsghandle; dbnumrets; dbopen; dbprrow; dbprtype; dbresults; dbretdata; dbretlen; dbretname; dbretstatus; dbrettype; dbrpcinit; dbrpcparam; dbrpcsend; dbsetlapp; dbsetlpwd; dbsetluser; dbsetlversion; dbsqlok; defined; err_handler; exit; msg_handler; printf