Click to open or copy the Fwatch project files.
The Fwatch sample displays changes to watched directories and files in the command window. The directories and files to be watched are specified in the Fwatch.ini file, which you can leave in the application directory.
This sample uses the following keywords:
checkchangedfile; closehandle; createdirectory; createfile; createiocompletionport; createthread; exit; filetimetolocalfiletime; filetimetosystemtime; getch; getcurrentdirectory; getfileinformationbyhandle; getlasterror; getprivateprofilestring; getqueuedcompletionstatus; handledirectorychange; lstrcat; lstrcmpi; lstrcpy; lstrlen; postqueuedcompletionstatus; readdirectorychangesw; waitforsingleobject; watchdirectories; wprintf