Gizmobar: Generates Gizmobar.dll and Gizmobar.lib

Click to open or copy the Gizmobar project files.

Click to open or copy the files for the Bin directory (required).

Click to open or copy the files for the Include directory (required).

Click to open or copy the files for the Lib directory (required).

This sample contains the main window procedure of the Gizmobar control, which handles mouse logic and Windows messages.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

beginpaint; bitposition; bool; callwindowproc; commandparams; createpen; createsolidbrush; createwindowa; defwindowproc; deletefile; deleteobject; destroywindow; dllmain; dword; enablewindow; endpaint; fenumchangefont; fenumenable; fenumhittest; fenumpaintgizmos; fillrect; free; fregistercontrol; genericsubproc; getclientrect; getdc; getdlgitem; getdlgitemint; getdlgitemtexta; getdlgitemtextw; getkeystate; getnextdlgtabitem; getparent; getprop; getstockobject; getsyscolor; getsystemmetrics; getwindowid; getwindowinstance; getwindowlong; getwindowword; hbrush; hiword; hlocal; intersectrect; invalidaterect; iswindow; libmain; loadcursor; localalloc; localfree; long; loword; lstrcpy; makelong; makewparam; malloc; mdirefreshmenu; menuselectparams; min; multibytetowidechar; openfile; pgizmo; pgizmobar; pgizmofromhwndid; pointfromlparam; positionbit; ptinrect; rectangle; rectstorect; recttorects; registerclass; releasecapture; releasedc; removeprop; scrollthumbposition; selectobject; sendcommand; sendmenuselect; sendmessage; sendscrollposition; setactivewindow; setbkcolor; setcapture; setdlgitemint; setdlgitemtexta; setdlgitemtextw; setfocus; setforegroundwindow; setprop; setrect; settextcolor; setwindowlong; setwindowpos; short; showwindow; strlen; text; uint; uitoolbuttondrawtdd; uitoolconfigurefordisplay; unicodetoansi; unlockdata; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; wcslen; wcstombs; widechartomultibyte