IoComplt: Win32 Winsock and Mailslot APIs

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This sample illustrates the Win32® Winsock and Mailslot APIs to do a generic broadcast over IPX, UDP and Mailslot protocols.

The Sockets sample contains a simple Windows NT server that uses Windows sockets. It demonstrates overlapped I/O using I/O completion ports to receive ReadFile completion notification. An I/O completion port is the most efficient form of overlapped I/O. I/O completion ports were introduced in Windows NT 3.5.

CreateIoCompletionPort, as used in the server half of this sample, is only supported on Windows NT.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

completebenchmark; createnetconnections; createworkers; parseswitch; setsockopt; showusage; sortthebuffer; workerthread; wsastartup