Mazelord: 3-D Maze Game

Click to open or copy the files for the Mazelord sample.

This sample is a 3-D maze game. The objective is to get as high a score as possible by zapping other players and by destroying automated drones which wander around the maze. When there are no other players, zapping drones still makes an interesting game in itself.

Mazelord is a networked or nonnetworked game, depending upon how it is invoked. In both versions, the player is placed in a room of sanctuary in a palace. In this room, players may not shoot, and drones cannot hurt players. Once outside of its 3x3 confines, however, anything goes. Your task is to hunt down drones and other players and zap them. Zapped players are teleported back to the sanctuary, and zapped drones are teleported to a random location in the maze.

See the Readme file for full instructions on how to play.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

aboutdlg; abs2offx; abs2offy; addpic; adj_x; adj_y; back_to_abs; beginpaint; bitblt; calc3dmaze; checkforplayers; checkmenuitem; clienttoscreen; closehandle; createcompatiblebitmap; createcompatibledc; createfile; createmailslot; createpen; createthread; createwindow; cwcenter; defwindowproc; deletedc; deletefullpic; deleteobject; deleteplayer; delhole; delpic; delplayerdraw; delscoretype; destroywindow; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; drawclippedpic; drawfoundplayers; drawmaze; drawplayers; drawrect; drawscore; drawtopview; dronedlg; eachtimeinit; eachtimeshutdown; enablemenuitem; enddialog; endpaint; exit; fadepic; findresource; get_wm_command_cmd; get_wm_command_hwnd; get_wm_command_id; getclientrect; getcurrentprocessid; getdc; getdlgitemint; getdlgitemtext; getmailslotinfo; getmenu; getmessage; getstockobject; getstringres; getstringres2; gettextmetrics; getupdaterect; getusername; getwindowrect; globalalloc; globalfree; globalhandle; globallock; globalunlock; greaterof; initdrones; initgrid; initmaze; initnetwork; insanctuary; insertsubgrid; intonedlg; invalidaterect; killself; killtimer; left_to_abs; lesserof; lineto; loadbitmap; loadcursor; loadicon; loadresource; loadstring; lockresource; lstrcpy; lstrdup; lstrlen; mailwatchthread; makelong; maskblt; maskrop; maskrop2; mazewndproc; mc_to_sc; memcrc; memset; messagebeep; messagebox; movedrone; movetoex; movewindow; newfullpic; newhole; newplayer; newplayerdraw; newscoretype; onetimeinit; onetimeshutdown; playerdlg; playsound; polybezierto; polydraw95; postmessage; postquitmessage; printtextline; processnewmail; rand; randrange; readfile; readsubgrids; rectangle; rectdepth; rectwidth; refreshtext; registerclass; registerclasses; regopenkeyex; regqueryvalueex; releasedc; right_to_abs; scorewndproc; scrollwindow; selectobject; selectorof; senddlgitemmessage; sendmessage; sendnetmessage; setbkmode; setcursor; setdlgitemint; setdlgitemtext; settextalign; settimer; setwindowtext; showwindow; sleep; sndplaysound; sprintf; startdemo; stopdemo; strcpy; stretchbitmaps; stretchblt; subgrid_to_x; subgrid_to_y; switch; textout; textwndproc; topviewwndproc; translatemessage; unregisterclass; unregisterclasses; updatewindow; validaterect; winmain; wndproc; writefile