MovPlay: Playing Movies Using MCI

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This is a simple application for playing movies using MCI. It builds two versions, one using mciSendCommand and another using mciSendString.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

aboutdlgproc; atoi; checkmenuitem; copyrect; createwindow; defwindowproc; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; drawmenubar; enablemenuitem; enddialog; fileclosemovie; fileopenmovie; formatfilterstring; getclientrect; getmenu; getmessage; getopenfilename; handle_wm_command; handle_wm_destroy; handle_wm_initmenupopup; handle_wm_size; initapp; initavi; invalidaterect; loadaccelerators; loadstring; lstrcpy; makeintresource; makelong; mcigetdeviceid; mcigeterrorstring; mcisendcommand; mcisendstring; memset; menubarupdate; messagebox; movewindow; movplay_oncommand; movplay_ondestroy; movplay_oninitmenupopup; movplay_onsize; playmovie; positionmovie; postmessage; postquitmessage; registerclass; seekmovie; setrectempty; setwindowtext; showwindow; stepmovie; switch; termavi; titlebarupdate; translateaccelerator; translatemessage; updatewindow; winmain; wndproc; wsprintf