SQLtestr: MSDOS SQL Data Server Tester

Click to open or copy the files for the SQLtestr sample.

In addition to SQLtestr (in the SQLtestr subdirectory), this sample provides SQLcommn.loc (in this directory level). SQLcommn.loc is a SQL Server localization file. This sample file can be used to change the default character formats for datetime and money that DB-Library performs when binding these data types to characters. This file is optional. If no such file is found, DB-Library simply uses its default formatting.

SQLcommn.loc is not applicable for SQL Server NT. For NT, on the Control Panel, choose International.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

dbdead; dberrhandle; dbexit; dbinit; dblogin; dbmsghandle; dbnextrow; dbresults; dbsetlversion; err_handler; exit; msg_handler; printf