NewJob: Sample for Creating and Viewing Jobs in SMS Database

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This is a console mode application that illustrates how to view, create, and delete jobs. There are four types of jobs in SMS: Run Command On Workstation jobs, Share Package On Server jobs, Remove Package From Server jobs, and System jobs. Of these, all except System jobs can be created and deleted from the SMS API. All job types can be viewed.

For more information, see Newjob.exe in the Microsoft SMS API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

atol; connecttodatasource; createnewfolder; ctime; didrequesthelp; displaygreeting; displayhelp; displayscalars; displaysmserror; free; gets; getstatusname; inputstring; malloc; memcpy; mktime; printf; readtime; smsclosecontainer; smscommitfolder; smscreatefolder; smsdatasourceconnect; smsdatasourcedisconnect; smsdescribefolder; smsgetfoldercount; smsgetfolderid; smsgetfoldertype; smsgetnextfolder; smsgetnextscalar; smsgetscalarcount; smslinkfolder; smsopencontainer; smspopulate; smsrewind; smssetscalar; smsunlinkfolder; strcmp; strcpy; time; viewfolder