NmPsDmp: Console Named Pipe Dump Device Sample

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This sample is a DB-Library program for using named pipe dump devices for backup and restore data from SQL Server 95. This program shows the usage of named pipe dump devices on the client side.

The program needs the following arguments (it asks from the user interactively):

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_beginthread; argvalue; atoi; bufalign; close_up_pipes; closehandle; createfile; dbclose; dbcmd; dberrhandle; dbfreelogin; dblogin; dbmsghandle; dbnextrow; dbopen; dbresults; dbsetlpwd; dbsetluser; dbsqlexec; dump_proc; err_handler; exit; flushfilebuffers; free; getlasterror; getnamedpipeinfo; load_proc; malloc; msg_handler; newarg; parse_parms; printf; readfile; set_up_pipes; setfilepointer; setnamedpipehandlestate; sleepex; sprintf; strcat; strcmp; strcpy; switch; waitnamedpipe; writefile