Plasma: Plasma Fractal Engine

Click to open or copy the Plasma project files.

Click to open or copy the Idl project files (required).

Click to open or copy the Bin project files (required).

Click to open or copy the Winhlprs project files (required).

It is recommended that you simply download everything from COM MFract Samples: Custom Interfaces, rather than from this level.

This sample is a Plasma Fractal engine to demonstrate custom interfaces for COM. Produces Plasma.dll.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addref; closehandle; cplasma; cplasmacf; createevent; createinstance; createthread; delete; dialogproc; dllcanunloadnow; dllgetclassobject; dllmain; donedrawinggraph; enddialog; failed; float; getclassid; getdlgitemtexta; getextent; getpoint; getsizemax; gettickcount; graphicsthread; init; initialize; isdirty; isequalguid; load; loadstring; lockserver; loword; makeintresource; memcpy; messagebox; normalize; point; queryinterface; rand; readdouble; rect; release; resetevent; save; setdefaults; setdlgitemtexta; setevent; setextent; setgraphsize; setproperties; showdialog; sizedouble; sprintf; sqrt; srand; sscanf; start; startgraphicsthread; stop; subdivide; terminatethread; unsigned; waitforsingleobject; writedouble