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The PlgBlt function can copy a bit image onto an arbitrary parallelogram. Applications can use this function to easily rotate or shear bitmaps. The PlgBlt sample is an easy-to-use demonstration of how this can be done.
This sample uses the following keywords:
beginpaint; bitblt; checkmenuitem; createcompatibledc; createwindow; defwindowproc; deletedc; deleteobject; dispatchmessage; dlgproc; dotrackobject; fabs; gdiflush; getdlgitemint; getmenustate; getmessage; getstockobject; getworldtransform; iswindow; loadcursor; loadicon; mainwndproc; memset; mousemove; postquitmessage; primarylangid; registerclass; releasecapture; selectobject; setcapture; setdlgitemint; setdlgitemtext; setrop2; setworldtransform; showwindow; sqrt; translateaccelerator; unreferenced_parameter; winmain