Propsh.ext: Property Sheet Extension Sample

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The Propsh.ext sample demonstrates how to implement custom property sheet extensions for the Microsoft Exchange Client. In particular, it demonstrates adding a custom property page that displays summary sheet information for Microsoft Office documents in a message store. It adds the custom page when viewing properties for a message of class IPM.Document.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addref; createbrushindirect; deleteobject; dllmain; errormessagebox; exchentrypoint; failed; filetimetolocalfiletime; filetimetosystemtime; free; freepages; getfiletimestring; getidsfromnames; getmaxpagecount; getnamedids; getobject; getpages; getprops; getsummarysheetinfo; getsyscolor; getversion; install; lstrcat; lstrcpy; lstrlen; makeintresource; malloc; mapifreebuffer; memset; messagebox; myexchext; myexchextpropertysheets; prop_type; queryinterface; release; setbkcolor; setdlgitemtext; setwindowlong; sizedsproptagarray; stdmethodimp_; strstr; summarypagedlgproc; ulrelease; validdocobject; wsprintf